Updates on what I believe needs to be covered.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Film thoughts: Noriko's Dinner Table

Quick update because it's been awhile, but last film I watched was Noriko's Dinner Table, which was a very interesting and charismatic display in a psychological drama/horror film.

Thematically, this film dealt with the dissipation of the nuclear family, and how there will always want to be a return to it... but it will never come to fruition. It showcases two sisters, Noriko and Yuka, and how they both runaway to fulfill dreams, and to finally feel a connection with people they found through the website haikyo.com.

However they both end up in Tokyo, working as a "rental family" for people that wish to feel that fulfillment of a functional family again. It is emotionally compelling, and at the same time draining to see these two sisters recreating these tragic scenarios that people have to deal with for the rest of their lives.

4/5 (stars or whatever my preferred rating system/symbols, is/are.) Watch it!

Coming (hopefully soon) Philosophy inherent in Calvin and Hobbes. (tentatively titled philosophical progress goes *).

And writing for a short film....

Being consistently busy, and bored with the busy-ness.


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New York, NY, United States
Working at an indie bookstore in NYC, and a retail giant as well. Trying to figure out how my writing in this post-grad world works.
